Peter Pleyer (Berlin) // Fake Healing
Fake Healing is an exchange that prioritizes deep listening, improvisation and collaboration, it was brought into the contemporary queer dance and performance world by Keith Hennessy and is inspired by Valentina Desideri’s Fake Therapy and Jennifer Lacey’s Fake Art Therapy. Keith writes about it: “Fake Healing is a kind of joke that just might work. Torture is everywhere, so healing needs to be queerly re-imagined for the current era.”
Peter Player
Peter Pleyer is a dancer and choreographer living in Berlin, teaching and performing internationally. He is a co-founder of P.O.R.C.H. summer-education program at ponderosa-dance. His most recent performances were with Keith Hennessy and together with Jenniffer Lacy for Antonija Livingstone. Fake Healing was a regular practice during these projects as a warm-up and a deepening of the relationships between the performers, an exercise on beauty.