Jörg Andreas (Berlin) // Camera Play >>
We will try the following:
1.With each participant we will develop an erotic or pornographic pose and an image expressing himself and his desire. You may bring toys, clothes and accesories. //
2. The participants direct a partner in order to find an image for the erotic vibrancy they see in him. Roles will be switched, each one will be „director“ and „model“. //
3. Each Participant finds an image of an erotic/sexual interaction of himself with one or more partner(s). //
4. One or two participants will be put in different poses and involved in different actions by the others. Each task results in a photo.
Jörg Andreas
Joerg Andreas, born 1966, is filmmaker and photographer and lives in Berlin. He is the founder and for a long time producer and principal director of the gay porn studio „Cazzo“.