Stretch Gay Ancestors

Periklis (Athens) // Sensual Partner Yoga

The partners are offered time to undress each other in a mindful way. As touch between them gets established, breath work supports them and the physical contact helps their energy to awaken, rise and get directed through the partner postures, inspired by classical tantra and hatha yoga. The body opens and gets prepared for more intense work during the rest of the day. The mind calms down and awareness of expectations, habits/ patterns manifest to open the gates to more conscious meetings.


Periklis was educated in dance and performing arts.
His studies brought him from Athens through Amsterdam, New York, Berlin back to his home town. He teaches workshops and holds private sessions in Vinyassa Flow Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Partner- Naked yoga, as well as sensual touch massage and SM-sessions. Periklis knows how to create a very safe environment, where the participant feels comfortable and can express her/himself. To dive deeper into the soul, there is a balance between lust, needs and boundaries.

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